Last week outside…
…and inside!
Week of January 20, 2014:
Monday: Afternoon walk (untimed)
Tuesday: Bike commute to campus
Wednesday: Another bike commute to campus
Thursday: Off
Friday: Evening yoga (Morning Flow #1)
Saturday: Afternoon walk + evening run. For the run: 53 minutes total, 30 minutes of running.
Sunday: Afternoon walk around the neighborhood (untimed)
Total minutes walked/run: 53. Total estimated miles: 4.5.
Well, we had our annual snowfall in Texas last week—all half an inch of it. Still, it’s been an unusually cold winter, even for us, and I admit that the cold weather has had a negative effect on my running motivation. Tonight I managed to get out for a good run, about 4.5 miles through my neighborhoods, and I’m super proud of myself for that. I almost, ALMOST talked myself out of it. Nobody ever says, “I wish I hadn’t gone for that run,” and that’s a motto I’m keeping close at hand these days.
Check out my candlelit yoga studio up there! It’s just the living room, with candles and Christmas lights providing soft illumination. I’m trying to get back into a yoga habit, mostly because I miss it after not doing much yoga for many months. Also, I love how yoga can kick my butt when I’ve been away from it for a while. It’s a good butt-kicking, one that makes me eager for more.
PS My new office mate says hello.