Monday, June 23, 2014

Seeing a Pattern

FLF Collage 6_21_14

Hello and happy summer!  It’s been a while, but here I am.  I’ve been writing on my personal blog and my professional site, and this one kept slipping off my to-do list.  Let’s chat!

May was all wedding and Michigan, and it was wonderful.  I’m feeling all talked-out about May, so I’ll let the pictures speak for me here.  After we came back from Michigan, we had a visitor and a trip to Austin, where we signed a lease for a new place to live.  Since then, things have been quiet.  Paul moved in with me, and we’ve been learning how to be domestic partners.  I have to say, it’s been a pretty easy transition for us.  Paul is a kind, thoughtful partner—he even bought a piece of art from a friend of ours because he knew I’d like it!  So sweet.  Our domestic partnership has got me thinking about what exactly constitutes partnership and fairness.  It’s a contemplation—I’m not upset or annoyed.  I keep thinking about the idea that the person who cares the most about something should do that thing…but the policy that works well for Paul and me is that if you want something, just ask.  So far, so good!

Fitness-wise, I’ve been trying to do something every day.  I made myself a star chart, and after a few weeks, I’m seeing a pattern.  Do you see it too?

Star Chart Through June 9

Squeezing that third run into each week hasn’t happened yet, but I remain hopeful.  On Sunday, I went for my longest run in a while, a whopping 20 minutes.  I know, right!?!  (As for yoga, what’s that?  My yoga consists of doing some stretches before bed.  I don’t know if that counts.)

I’m going to get back into the habit of writing weekly blog posts for tracking my exercise.  I’ve let myself slack A LOT in the fitness department for the past year or so—I have no excuses, it’s just me being busy and not making exercise more of a priority.  I’m getting a little nervous that my slacking is going to erode my cardio and strength ability, and it was that fear that got me out the door on Sunday for a longer run.

I’m going to keep working on that “run 3x a week” goal.  In the meantime, how about a photo of Lucy with the new-old camera that Paul bought from a friend?  It’s our newest toy, and as soon as I can figure out all the software we need for it, I’m sure I’ll be sharing some photos from it!

Lu with New-Old Camera 

How is your summer so far?

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