Saturday’s Aqua-Jog (6/5/10)
I seem to be able to get my work-outs done faster than I can update this little blog about my work-outs. I suppose if I had to choose one, I’d pick getting my work-outs done easily, but it’s nice to have a record of how things are going.
On Saturday evening, I hit the pool again, this time for 20 minutes of aqua-jogging. Aqua-jogging is a deceptively challenging work-out. I say deceptively because I use it as an easy, fun, gentle work-out, but it ends up working my legs quite nicely. I could definitely feel my muscles pushing against the water. It was a warm evening, and the water was quite warm. There was no one else at the pool, which surprised me, but it was nice to have the place to myself. A lovely work-out, and a lovely work-out to precede Sunday’s “long” run. Yes, 30 minutes counts as long if you’ve only been doing 20-minute runs!