Week of November 25, 2012:
Monday: DIY yoga
Tuesday: Short evening run (20 minutes)
Wednesday: Hmm, good question…
Thursday: Bike ride commute
Friday: Short evening run (30 minutes)
Saturday: A very sweaty bike ride around town, running errands
Total minutes run this week: 120! High fives all around!
Week of December 2, 2012:
Sunday: Long run (62 minutes)
I confess: I totally bonked this weekend. At the risk of whining again, I blame the heat. We’ve climbed back into summertime territory, with temps in the 70s and 80s this weekend, and I think my body is just NOT HAVING IT. I rode my bike to run errands yesterday, and I felt kinda gross and nauseous for much of my ride. I also got very, very sweaty, which—let’s face it—is really annoying in December.
Today I had the same experience as I set out on my long run. I was scheduled to run 80 minutes, and that was the plan. I can’t decide if I went out too fast or tried to run most of it too fast, but I just didn’t feel very good while running. I took several walk breaks (some for street crossings, and a few just because I felt like it). I even paused for a while at the Monarch Waystation and experienced the wonder of watching several butterflies float among the plants, their wings flashing in a gorgeous display of color and flight. It was enchanting.
Mid-run, I reevaluated my strategy for today, and at the 50-minute mark, I decided to switch to a 4:1 run:walk strategy until I got home (which wasn’t too far). I alternated four minutes of running and one minute of walking, and I was able to add another 12 minutes to my total for the day. At that point, I called it quits because I was not feeling good. I felt sick.
And that, my friends, is what I call a bonk. Maybe some Gatorade would have helped; maybe not. I feel like my body is telling me, loudly and clearly, that it does NOT WANT TO RUN in the heat any more. At least not for another three months.
Fortunately, we all know that into every runner’s life a few bad runs will fall. Raquelita wrote about this recently, and I thought her words were spot on. The key with running is to know that bad runs will happen, but so will good runs. Today was not my best running day, but maybe Tuesday will be. Or Friday. Or next Sunday. I can’t wait to find out.
How were your weekend work-outs, everyone? Any triumphs or bonking to report?