Sunday, January 20, 2013

“You’re building endurance, you’re building endurance!”

Sunlight on Berries

Bridge and Shadow

Star-shaped Withered Blossoms

Week of January 13, 2013:

Monday: ??? Either yoga or off—I don’t remember!

Tuesday: Evening run (27 minutes, including two 1-minute surges)

Wednesday: Bike ride commute to work and grocery-shopping

Thursday: Bike ride commute to work and Ben Knox wine night!

Friday: Evening run (24 minutes)

Saturday: Short bike ride for groceries + slow afternoon walk

Minutes run this week: 121

Week of January 20, 2013:

Sunday: Long run! (80 long, slow minutes)

Today’s run was hard.  The weather was quite nice, although I was overdressed for it.  I wore pants and a sweatshirt, but I should have worn a running skirt!  That’s not really what made things hard.  My legs felt tired from the start, and though I felt better after a warm-up mile or two, I never really felt great.

So it goes in the life of a runner.  I thought about cutting today’s long run short but decided against it because I had no other compelling reason.  My feeling is that mild fatigue is a pretty lame reason to ditch a long run; long runs are supposed to teach your body how to run through fatigue.  If I felt like I was overtraining or flirting with injury or just completely exhausted, I might cut a run short.  Today I had none of those things, so I persevered, and I told myself, “You’re building endurance, you’re building endurance!”  Truly, that is what we do when we continue to run on tired legs: you teach your body to go just a little bit further, to manage just a little more discomfort in your muscles.  You stretch your current fitness limits just a little more.

That being said, I was super happy to be finished and have since enjoyed a nice lunch, a hot shower, and right now I’ve got some homemade cookies and oranges with yogurt waiting for me.  On that note, I shall wish you a happy Sunday and a wonderful week.

PS  I don’t really live in wine country, but don’t those photos above seem like something out of California?  It has been such a beautiful weekend here.


  1. Those ARE beautiful photos! I like the purple scheme you've got going on. :) And I agree about running during fatigue - I always tell myself, "This is where the training begins!"

    1. Fatigue: it's where the sneaker meets the road!

  2. The photos are truly beautiful!

    I was happy to be finished with my 5 miler today too. My legs weren't fatigued but I was still feeling full from a homemade brunch and probably should have postponed my run for another hour or so ... or better yet set an alarm and run earlier.

  3. Oof, the post-meal run. Yeah, that's rough. I mean, you don't want to complain too much because you just had this awesome meal, but running on a too-full stomach is not good. At least you got it done!

    My food weakness is smoothies before I run :-) They're so tasty that it's hard for me to drink only half and save the rest for the post-run refueling.
