Thursday, March 31, 2011


Bike with Wildflowers

From the Back Now

Park Road

Weekend Adventures: Friday’s Run, Saturday’s Bike Ride, and Sunday’s Walk (3/25-3/27/11)

Please send help.  If you can, send it in the form of a free day for me to use for catching up on my life.  I probably shouldn’t complain, because I had a terrific weekend.  Terrific!  I can still remember it, sort of, four days later.  I wouldn’t mind being able to zip back in time for a second go-around, but until that technology is available, I guess I will have to settle for a blog post. 

On Friday night, I was feeling itchy for a run, so a run it was, before dinner and a birthday party that night.  I ran for about 20 minutes—easy, fun, short.  I’m enjoying these short runs after all those long, long runs for half-marathon training.

On Saturday, I decided to take the day off of work completely and used my morning to bike across town to HEB, where I found gorgeous, perfect organic Romaine lettuce, kale, and cauliflower.  I love vegetables.  I also found my favorite spicy burrito wraps, dried apricots, some funky blue cheese that I need to find a good use for, and red lentils.  The lentils were the secret driving force behind this special shopping trip, and I do think the soup in which those lentils landed was worth the extra pedaling.  And because I seem to spend most of Saturday devoted to food shopping, I also biked to Brazos Natural Foods, where I picked up an assortment of the usual goodies.

On Sunday, I spent most of the morning working on my taxes, where I was confronted with an unpleasant surprise.  To soothe my tax-frazzled nerves, I went for a walk through the dog park and around the neighborhood.  I took my camera and had a grand time taking photos of all the new springtime beauty that’s popping up around here.  Spring in Texas is just about the loveliest thing ever.

The best thing about writing about a weekend on Thursday is that the next weekend is just two days away!  This Saturday I’ll be back in the lab, for a little bit, but I’m looking forward to some time to read and relax afterward.

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