Monday, October 25, 2010

In Which I Capture a Photo of Local Wildlife

Bicycle at Rest

Texas Wildlife

Saturday + Sunday’s Bike Rides (10/23-10/24/10)

Whew!  I think, I hope, I beg that this past weekend is the last of a long series of working weekends in which I commute to work and back by bike.  I anticipate that I will indeed be working a bit next weekend, but I’m planning to work at home, analyzing data and planning experiments.  I need a break from the lab.

The work-outs were the usual, except that on Saturday, I also rode my bike to HEB to buy gorgeous organic greens, a favorite peanut butter, new olive oil, and delicious ciabatta rolls.  Ooh, it was a very good haul, and I was terribly pleased with it.  I’ll be eating well this week!  In total, I’d estimate I probably biked about 18 miles total on Saturday and Sunday.  I contemplated doing a long run on Sunday, but I decided to run on Monday evening, knowing that if I didn’t run on Sunday, I could spend that time getting a lot of other things done.  It was a good decision, as I am now feeling much more caught up on work, though there is, of course, more to do.

Hey, isn’t that lizard in the second photo adorable?  I found him hanging out on my patio’s screen door.  He was very mellow and let me take pictures of him.  I love the lizards down here—they still seem exotic to me, who comes from the Great White North, where the only lizards we have are the ones that live in cages in pet shops and people’s homes.  Another reptile I see down here occasionally?  Turtles!  I consider a turtle sighting to be a very good omen, but I’ve never been able to take a photo of one.  But I keep hoping!

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