Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Coldness, Darkness

Homeward Bound

Bright Light at Night

Tuesday’s Bike Commute (1/11/11)

After living in Texas for just over a year now, I have lost my abilities to handle cold weather with grace.  I still have all my cold-weather clothing (like that awesome pink hat), but when the temperatures really start to plunge, I feel miserable.  Yesterday we had the coldest day of the season yet, and it was shocking.  I rode the bike to and from work, as I’m wont to do, and while the morning ride wasn’t too bad, with its sunshine and that new-day feeling, the evening bike ride was freezing.  I had an experiment that ran late into the day, so I didn’t leave until around 7:30 PM.  It was dark as midnight outside, which made me feel even colder.  My legs felt heavy and tired, and all I could really do was think about being home again, safe and cozy with a big mug of tea and a plate of cookies at my side.  I made it home eventually, and the rest of the evening was nice: that mug of hot tea and some of my friend a’s famous Orange Shortbread Cookies with Chocolate Chips.  I made these cookies on Sunday night because I wanted something sweet to nibble on throughout the week, and I have to say, the only bad thing about these cookies is that I have a hard time being moderate around them.  I always want another cookie.

So it goes around here.  Another bike ride, another cookie, another experiment.  That, in a sentence, just might be my life.  It sounds pretty good to me.

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